Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Breaking News: Novavax trials in India


Trump administration backed the NOVAVAX vaccine as one of the six vaccines in Operation Warp Speed. Operation Warp Speed provided $1.75B funding for this company. 

Novavax has matured and it is being tested in a trial in the US and Mexico with about 16,000 to 30,000 participants. Moderna and Pfizer vaccines have already been used in millions of vaccinations in the USA. The AstraZeneca vaccine has also been used in vaccinating millions in the UK and elsewhere. AstraZeneca vaccine manufactured by the Serum Institue in India has been shipped to many countries under a UN program.

Performance-wise, Novavax has 95.6% efficacy against the original strain, a reduced 85.6% against the UK variant but much less % efficiency (49.4%) against the South African variant.


Serum Institute in India will be producing the Novavax vaccine.

The Novavax as well as the Nasally delivered Bharath Biotech's weakened virus has approval for clinical testing.


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