Monday, October 12, 2020

This will change your views about cows

The latest wellness trend is 'Cow Hugging'. In India, cows are revered because they literally embody our Hindu divinities. It represents the residence of sum total of all of our deities. 

 In more practical terms cows provide their entire body for the humans. Starting from the milk and including the hide. Unfortunately, they are also killed for their meat. Killing an animal is deemed to be a cardinal sin.

Here is how the Hindus look at the cow. I would not like to place side by side how it is viewed by some.

Recently hugging cow seems to have given people some peace. This is not unusual. Not only hugging cows but also other animals such as pets offer comfort. Cow being a larger animal which is very warm, the effect is enhanced.  

Dried cow dung (poop in the USA) has been used for time immemorial in India as a fuel. In fact there used to be huge market for cow dung cakes. Manure based biogas has been used extensively in India and other countries.

Recently, it has been used to produce hydrogen and a facility is being built in California to produce hydrogen from feed gases including cow poop.

You don't kill a goose that lays a golden egg, do you?

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