Monday, October 05, 2020

Importance of using updated and current software

It is important that organizations use the latest software especially if they are using the software for crucial, decision making tasks.

Recent use of older version of Excel application lead to this data loss which is unforgiveable.

Why using Microsoft's tool caused Covid-19 results to be lost

It is not becoming of any developer to use a 2007 software which created the above situation,

You want to know the difference between then and now versions of file extension, read here.

Here is an excerpt from the link.


The current default file extension for an Excel file is XLSX. Prior to Excel 2007, the default file extension was XLS. The main difference between the two is that XLSX is an XML-based open file format and XLS is a proprietary Microsoft format. But, the newer versions of Excel save and open XLS files for the sake of compatibility with earlier versions of the program"

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