Saturday, October 31, 2020

"Bond, James Bond" is no more

 Sir Sean Connery passed away at 90 in his Bahamas home😞. He was my favorite actor and he is missed. I saw his 'Dr. No' while I was still in college. It was a thriller that really thrilled me. I could not wait for his next, From Russia with Love. Thereafter I saw all the James Bond movies. 


Other actors were drafted to play his 'Bond' role and my interest in Bond movies waned. No one came anywhere near his stature, not even Daniel Craig.

For me James Bond meant Sean Connery. Stop.

He made many more movies other than James Bond. 

His other non-Bond movies that I liked were:

The Man who would be king

Finding Forrester

A goodman in Africa

The Untouchables

I sorely miss Sean Connery.

Wikipedia Entry:

List of Bond movies:

He was very photogenic a feature that improved with age. Images related to Sean Connery:


Another great guy a fantastic music maker who passed away

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