Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Splunk software and IOT

Splunk has a number of products such as BigData, Cloud solutions, Business Analytics etc. This post is about Splunk's IOT and Industry related product.
Splunk provides software platform for machine data generated by all kinds of devices, controls, sensors; Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition that are already connected and/or going to be connected to enter the IOT era.
Splunk can be used for industrial operations & maintenance, security, analytics, compliance etc.
There are two principal IOT related groups that will be of great interest for businesses to pursue:
  • Industrial Enterprise Systems:
  • Consumer focused devices
The Industrial enterprise managed systems already have legacy applications and heavy equipment and the task is to modify/adopt to IOT using Splunk. More details here.

In the case of consumer related IOT which is new like wearables, smart-home, smartphone devices Splunk can be used to manage and analyze streams of data quite easily. 

More details here:
It is already being used by businesses such as Bosch (Optimizing operations of 'HealthBuddy' appliance); New York Air Brake (Operational insights from train system generated BigData); Kepware connecting Splunk to Industrial data with real-time data streaming);etc.

There many add-ons by Splunk developers that connect Splunk to IoT such as (quoted from Splunk web site):
  • Amazon Kinesis Modular Input: Index data from AmazonKinesis, a fully managed service for real-time streaming data.
  •  SNMP Modular Input: Collect data by polling attributes and catching traps from devices providing cooling and power distribution in the data center.
  • REST API Modular Input: Poll local and remote REST APIs and index the responses.
  • JMS Modular Input: Poll and index data from messaging queues, including MQTT, from providers such as TibcoEMS,Weblogic JMS and ActiveMQ.
  • Splunk App for Stream: Capture, filter and index real-time streaming wire data and network events.

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