Monday, July 06, 2015

Intel XDK and Firefox OS Marketplace

With Intel XDK you can build apps both Native and Web Apps. For example you can build a Web App for Mozilla Firefox OS.

Here is an example of a Web App built for Fireox OS. The app was originally built for Nokia Windows Phone shown here.


This was rebuilt for Firefox OS.


Intel XDK lets you build the above and generates a manifest.webapp file.

This zip file can be uploaded to Firefox marketplace.
Subsequent builds will allow make changes to the manifest.webapp.

Here are some recent marketplace items.


Before you put it on the marketplace test it in the Firefox OS simulator. The simulator also has a manifest.webapp editor.

More details here.

 The same Windows Phone app built and tested on Firefox OS 3 simulator. The app at the bottom 'H' is the HodentekBooks.

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