Thursday, January 16, 2014

Big Data Generation 2: Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire

2012 marked the year when Higgs Boson (aka Higgs Particle predicted in 1964)  was discovered at CERN. In order to get to this, immense research was undertaken spanning many years of hard work.

One of the main challenges is the data storage of the immense amount of data that is gathered every second, non-stop. The other challenges are how to make this data available to 1000's of scientists globally and how to find the rarest of events that is hidden in this immense amount of data. This is clearly the area of what we call 'Big Data'.

Big data is generated here and federated across the World.

"CERN’s 17-mile-long collider generates hundreds of millions of particle collisions each second. Recording, storing and analyzing these collisions represents a massive challenge; the collider produces roughly 20 million gigabytes of data each year. CERN stores that data partly on the premises in Geneva, but has to distribute roughly 80% to data centers all around the world. So far, CERN has amassed about 200 petabytes of data."

The above is quoted from here,
Trends in Big Connectivity: Higgs Boson & the Science of Big Data

CERN’s Big Data processing relies on the Hadoop Distributed File System for storing massive amounts of data.

Huawei plays a big role in facing this data storage challenge with its cloud / storage solutions. Follow the details here

CERN relies on NetApp Storage solutions.
Watch this NetApp Video:

About CERN:
It is too well known that needs an introduction, but if you have missed here is an intro and a video from CERN.

Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire, or European Council for Nuclear Research's main field of activity is Particle Physics. The physics to understand the building blocks of this universe and how they interact.

It should be noted that the World Wide Web (the first scripted) was invented by Berners-Lee in 1989 also at CERN.
Here is a movie that tells you what CERN is about:

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