Saturday, January 20, 2024

What is an identity of a person? A question and answer from the Bard



A man and his son are walking in a forest. Some bad elements cut-off their heads. The man's wife prays to the goddess. Goddess says, no problem. Just attach their heads and I will give them back life. The wife in confusion attaches the head of her son to her husband's body and husband's head to her son's body. They come alive. Now who is the husband and who is the son?

Bard's answer:


The riddle presents a tricky situation, but despite the heads being swapped, the relationships of husband and son remain the same.

Here's why:

  • Relationship is by nature, not physical body: The nature of the relationship between a husband and his son arises from their roles and biological connection, not their physical bodies. Changing their physical structures doesn't affect their inherent roles.
  • Shared history and bond: The husband and son still share their unique history, experiences, and emotional bond, regardless of their swapped heads. Their individual identities stay intact.
  • Wife's recognition: When the wife brought them back to life, she attached the heads based on her understanding of their personalities and roles, not just physical features.
  • Inner sense of self: Though physically transformed, the son and husband would still carry their internal sense of self and memories, further solidifying their original identities.

Therefore, even with the switched heads, the man remains the husband and the boy remains the son. Their physical appearance might be different, but their essential selves and relationships remain unchanged.

It's important to remember that this riddle highlights the non-physical nature of relationships and identities. They exist deeper than the physical body and are defined by shared experiences, memories, and emotional connections.

I was not satisfied with the answer. I ask again.

You did not answer me directly. Is the body with the son's head is the husband, or the boy's body with father's head is the husband? Need one answer.


I apologize for not being fully direct in my previous response. You're correct, I presented multiple interpretations without a definitive answer. To be clear, in this particular riddle, the man with the son's head remains the husband, and the boy with the father's head remains the son.

As I explained, although their physical appearances have changed, their individual identities and relationship as husband and son are defined by their inherent roles, shared experiences, and the wife's recognition. Therefore, the swap of heads doesn't alter their core identities and established relationship.

I hope this provides the unambiguous answer you were seeking.

It is interesting to note that Bard pitched on a single answer to this tricky question. Previously we have we seen that CoPilot could not or did not want to.

However, for non-tricky questions, chat apps may give consistently similar answers akin to using the Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.

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