Monday, January 18, 2016

A note on Window 10 Operating System

It is somewhat confusing when it comes to operating system for Windows 10.

If you go by this link on msdn, you will see that Windows 10 oprating systems version number is 10 and for Windows 8.1 version 6.3. Here is a partial screen shot:


When you look at settings of your Computer on Windows 10 you would see this:


You get Windows 10 as the Operating System when you use Windows Command or PowerShell command gwmi win32_operatingsystem.

Recently I installed SQL Server 2014 (x64) Developer Edition on Windows 10 (the same lap top).
I queried for the version of SQL Server 2014 using the query:

Select @@version
To my great surprise, I got the below response (Operating system highlighted):

Microsoft SQL Server 2014 - 12.0.2269.0 (X64)
 Jun 10 2015 03:35:45
 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
 Developer Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.3 <X64> (Build 10586: ) (Hypervisor)

The Operating System for Windows System is still reported as Windows NT 6.3 <x64> (Build 10586). This means the SQL Server is assuming to be running on a Windows 8.1 Computer OS.

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