Sunday, July 20, 2014

Faster web processing with the new Javascript object SIMD

If you are a HTML5\CSS\Javascript programmer you should look this up.

Parallelism is at the heart of higher performance resulting in lower power requirements and SIMD is
at the fore front. SIMD stands for Single Instruction Multiple Data Instructions. These are called
SIMD instructions that make simlutaneous processing of mulitple data items possible. This is
particularly suited for computations involving image/audio/video; computer vision; preceptual
computing, etc. This kind of operation on multiple data items was not possible directly using
JavaScript till the emrgence of the new Javasript object SIMD.

A picture is worth a paragraph of my gibberish, but here it is for a vector length of 4:

Image Source:

Here is a quickie on the API:

Here is the speed up in Mozilla browser with processing using SIMD:

The source for the ecmascript for SIMD: ecmascript_simd.js here:


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