You may start hearing voices from Microsoft Azure. Do not send for an exorcist.
The new strategic
alliance between Twilio and Microsoft make this possible by aligning Twilio's Cloud-based telephony (voice and messaging services) with Microsoft Azure Cloud.
You may recall that an earlier post was related to Skype integrated with the IE browser. Twilio offers a similar advantage in that there is no need to download an app or plug-in.
Twilio in some ways may be similar to Skype but it appears to offer much more such as:
interactive voice response,
mobile app distribution via SMS
call automation
two-factor authentication.
Using Twilio's demo program from this site, I called up my Windows 7 phone and I got immediately connected. My browser was talking to my phone via internet through a weak Wi-Fi connection.
Twilio offers a number of features as shown in the following screen shots.
Quarter penny calls are great!!