Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Winners of Bengaluru Web Camp 2011 raffle

Here is the list of winners of the raffle and the eBooks they will be receiving from Packt Publisher Inc.  Please visit Packt Publishing Technical & IT Book and eBook Store and review a wide range of books on cutting edge IT and web related books. Duane Moraes, Packt's Senior Marketing Research Executive sent me an email informing that the winners have been contacted.

Gautham Shetty :
Beginners Guide to SQL Server Integration Services Using Visual Studio 2005

Praveen Gowda :   
Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch Business Application Development

Learning SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services Gururaj B        
Microsoft SQL Azure Enterprise Application Development

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Abandoned Angels of Bengaluru, India.

 LETS LIVE TOGETHER, A non profit organization seeking shelter for street dogs. 

This photo was taken in the recent fund raising event to provide homes for street dogs. A calender was released as a part of 
this campaign, to raise the awareness of the plight of street dogs which are often mistaken for dogs that would spread rabies.

Here is a picture of a beautiful dog that was recently adopted through the efforts of this organization.

There is nothing more beautiful than the innocent face of this puppy.

Pictures contributed by my nieces Sriraksha and Sridevi

Friday, November 11, 2011

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Microsoft Web Camps-Bengaluru Nov 3_2011

I managed to attend this event in Bengaluru and it was quite interesting. The Microsoft staff who made the presentations did quite a good job. The presentations were around HTML5 and Web Matrix. Deploying a web matrix application to Windows Azure was presented quite effectively. However I am not sure how many in the audience worked with Windows Azure. Here are some msdn blogs of those who presented:

I also took the opportunity to introduce myself briefly. I wanted to raffle one copy each (eBook version) to the audience but this practice does not appear common. In any case I spoke for a few minutes and explained that the audience could participate in a raffle.

Here is how you can enter the raffle:

Send me an email here ( In the subject line write one of the following:

If you want to check out the books you may follow the links:

Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch Business Application Development
Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch Business Application Development

Microsoft SQL Azure Enterprise Application Development

Microsoft SQL Azure Enterprise Application Development

Learning SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services

Learning SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services

Beginners Guide to SQL Server Integration Services Using Visual Studio 2005

Beginners Guide to SQL Server Integration Services Using Visual Studio 2005

Apart from the above, if you are interested you can buy the books at deep discounts. I believe there is a deadline.Use the following:
Discount Codes:
      Print book : qdecpri
      E Book : qdecebk
The Packt web site is here:

That's all, thanks. Protection Status