Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Taking a table over to MySQL from MS Access

MySQL was bought by SUN

SUN agrees to be bought by Oracle

It's big fish eating tiny fish. May be not that tiny either.

But MySQL has a large coterie of lovers and it is the largest open source database product. As it always happen people are restless. There is always a need for moving things from here to there and there to here. We live in a dynamic world.

Here is an article that shows how you can move data from MS Access 2003 to MySQL. The XAMPP shipped MySQL is used.

In this article the built-in method of exporting tables in Microsoft Access is explored to take a table in Microsoft over to MySQL, the open source database product that changed hands recently. This article steps you through the process with a number of screen shots to guide you along the way.

Exporting data from MS Access to MySQL

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