Saturday, February 28, 2009

Error Code -1071610801 in Integration Services 2008 found

I came across this error code while using integration services for a Data Flow Task. I wonder if any one else has come across this. The ADO.NET Destination component does not provide a description for this. It is not listed in the DTS error code on MSDN.

Added: March 3, 2009

According to a reliable MS Source Phil Brammer
The above code refers to:


Thursday, February 26, 2009

How to add a web slice to your page?

First of all, Web Slice is new stuff in IE8, RC1. This serves similar function as an RSS feed.

This is quite easy to implement in your web pages.

Let us start with our first step.
This is a page on my intranet server. A very simple page that has a Jquery
script embedded in it.

<script language="JavaScript" src="http://localhost/JayQuery/jquery-1.3.min.js">

<h1>Jquery inside a DOJO Accordion Pane</h1>
<p style="color:red; font-weight:bold">You Want More Dojo and JQuery Articles</p>
Add this slice
<script type="text/JavaScript">
$("h1").css("color", "magenta");});
If you open this in IE8 RC1 this is what you will see.

Now modify the code as shown. Note particlularly the css elements added. I call this modified page,
<script language="JavaScript"
<h1>Jquery inside a DOJO Accordion Pane</h1>
<div class="hslice" id="mySlice" >
<p class="entry-title" style="color:red; font-weight:bold">
You Want More Dojo and JQuery Articles</p>
<div class="entry-content">
Add this slice
<script type="text/JavaScript">
$("h1").css("color", "magenta");});


With this modification the web page hosted on my intranet server looks like this when you browse the page.
When IE8.0 RC1 encounters "hslice" it knows what to do with it.

Now when you (or someone who looks up this page) click on the green icon, you (he) will see this displayed

If you are interested in watching this page whenever I update this page, then an icon will be added as shown to the favourites bar (if you so wish in the previous screen) as shown here inside the red square.

There is really nothing much to it, is it? This is cool stuff.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Added Live Search to my Tilt

I added Live Search to my handheld Tilt. I had to repair my ActiveSync before I could do this. Look up this post in my other blog for details.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Data Access Pages (MS Access 2003) does not show up in IE8.0 RC1

When you save your data access pages to your intranet site, the page may not show and you will have to tune your security settings of IE 8.0 to see pages correctly.

Follow this procedure:
It is assumed that you haev down loaded the owc.exe from Microsoft site. It is also assumed that you have a
DAC which shows up correctly in Page View.

In order to access the data contained within the Data Access Page, you need to:

1. Start IE
2. Choose Internet Options from the Tools menu
3. Click on the "Security" Tab
4. Click on the "Trusted Sites" icon
5. Click on the "Sites..." button
6. Uncheck the "Require server verification (https) for all sites in the zone" checkbox
7. You then add your site on which you have hosted the page as a trusted server.

Now you have a better chance of seeing the page.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Figure tag in HTML 5 and Firefox

Figure tag new in HTML 5 is used to group some elements that are associated with a figure.
<figure id="fig1">
<legend>Figure 1. Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
<img alt=""
src="Madras_IIT_Campus.jpg" border="0" height="225"
vspace="5" width="300" align="left"/>

This gets rendered in the same way in all the recent browsers except in Firefox
3.0.6 as shown.

In the other browsers it renders like this one.

Of course, IE8 RC1 still cannot render it without first creating a figure element using the following:

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Acid2 Test and the browsers

Acid2 is a browser test put out by The Web Standards Project . The test page renders an image which should be rendered the same way in all browsers. This is one more step towards standardization.

I tested this page in a number of browsers and they all render the image in this test same way except for Safari. The image is created by a series of line elements with CSS. I just tried to confine the image to a narrower region and the various browsers do render similalry except for Safari.

Left to right:  Opera 9.1 , IE8 RC1, Google Chrome 1.0, FireFox 3.0 and Safari 3.2.1

Monday, February 09, 2009

Dojo 123 widget with embedded jQuery elements

There is a plethora of JavaScript libraries [DOJO, Yahoo, Prototype, Jquery, Mochkit, Open Rico, etc] on the internet to make web browsing interactive and interesting. Also there are Rich Internet Applications that makes the interaction even richer. It is interesting to see if elements of the libraries can be mixed. For example, it is possible that the user likes an effect in one library which he wants to bring it into another.

In the following article some jQuery elements were embedded in Dojo 123's accordion widget and the resulting page was browsed to see if there are any Inconsistencies; if they render well in recent browsers, etc.

IE 8 RC1 does not support the <canvas/> element

I tested the html web page with the element in a couple of browsers and it turns out the recently released IE 8 RC1 does not support the <canvas/>  in this release.

The HTML page from the W3C was modified to conform with the HTML 5 standard and verified by a HTML validator. In fact the missing elements in the W3C code were added/rectified using the validator generated error messages.

Here are some screen shots of the result of browsing a web page in HTML 5 in some of the recent browsers,IE 8.0 RC1, Google Chrome 1.0.124, Safari 3.2.1, and Opera 9.1.

IE 8.0 RC1

Google Chrome




Thursday, February 05, 2009

IE 8 RC1 is out - Check it out

Download the file [IE8-Windows XP-x86-ENU.exe (16.2 MB) from here:

IE8 download for Windows XP x86

After downloading just double click the exe file to start installing.

Here are some of the screen shots you will be seeing. I used a custom install of some features but the instructions are unambiguous.

Then you get to see the license terms. Then you will start installing in earnest.
Ofcourse I want to help Microsoft (no salaries for me to eb sure).

The Progress bar comes on
I enabled it.

I used Custom settings
The Goog is OK for now. May be Google Chrome or IE 8.
Wait and see how it works!
Of course I need this, don't you?
Ya, there is a bunch of old stuff
The installation is done. You are now cooking!

IE * Features (Fast & Easy as well as Safe & Secure)

Now begins the show. Protection Status