Thursday, April 27, 2017

This is how you save a report authored in Power BI to a Report Server - Final

I apologize to the readers of my post,Can you save reports created in Power BI to a Report Server?  for having given the wrong impression. The reports you create cannot be saved to any report server but the stand-alone report server created using the same .msi file downloaded from the same location where you downloaded Power BI Desktop Technical Preview.

I am only partly to blame for this and I apologize. Let me correctly present what kinds of reports can be saved to what kind of report server. The other reason for the problem was created by the Power BI itself for giving the wrong guidance for the users while saving the report to the report server. It must be changed.

  • The only kind of reports that can be saved to Report Server (strictly speaking, you are only saving it to the Web Portal URL) are the ones created with data from the Analysis Services server.
  • In order to save you need to configure a stand-alone Report Server whose database is stored not on a SQL Server 2016 but an earlier version. In my case I use the SQL Server 2012. The .msi file for this server is on the same download site as the Power BI Technical Preview.

After you fulfill the above conditions then only you can host the report.

I was able to get the correct server by an answer to my question on

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