Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Internet of Things and SAP HANA Cloud Platform

It almost looks like Internet of Things really came into existence because of the Cloud. It is the most reasonable way (probably the only cost effective way) to operate the IOT.

SAP Hana Cloud Platform also offers the IOT Services a la Cloud. SAP Hana in-memory IOT Platform helps you to quickly develop, deploy and manage your IOT Projects and machine-to-machine applications.

You can use the platform to "automate processes at the core and connect to almost anything at the edge of your network."

You can carry out all these SAP stated objectives:
  • Harness the core capabilities of SAP HANA – such as geo-spatial processing, series data, and location services
  • Manage and monitor remote devices while gathering real-time insights
  • Create next-generation, real-time, machine-to-machine and IoT applications
  • Develop IoT solutions for various line-of-business and industry use cases
The platform is quite comprehensive. Here is how SAP-Hana Cloud is configured to work with IOT. The image is extracted from this pdf:



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