Wednesday, June 24, 2015


IFTTT stands for the conditional statement "If this then that'. It is a web based service with a simple workflow. Flow of work (action, that) is created by a trigger based on a condition(this), like say,'If it rains take the umbrella'. This service was provided in some cases, such as the various financial services that you could get an email if your chosen stock price reached a new high, etc. They were called alerts and they are also used by banks and credit card companies.

As most of our actions and those of the 'Internet of Things' are condition-based, IFTTT is expected to grow and expand deep into IOT.

What IFTTT has done to simplify this process is by offering a web interface to set up triggers and take appropriate actions. Both the trigger and the actions that follow the trigger have their own channel and every IFTTT recipe is tied into these channels.

Let us say, I choose to get an email into my Gmail account when the Microsoft stock price exceeds a certain value. Then there are two channels lined up, the Gmail with its account and the financial site providing the financial information (IFTTT uses Yahoo Finance). If you set up the recipe (a 7 step process) right then when the Microsoft stock rises above 50 (assumed value) then an email is triggered to send it to your recipients.

I suppose the site is swamped as my attempts set up recipe was not successful.

More details here:

The complete steps to create a IFTTT recipe is detailed here:]

IFTTT has both recipes and the more recent addition, the Do buttons.

A simple work flow tied with a condition tying a trigger channel with an action channel


There are lots of trigger channels and you can choose, weather is just one of them


As I mentioned the service is under going maintenance.

I will follow this up when the service returns to normal. Check status here:

Here are some stock recipes.


There are recipes that you could use with your Android or iPhone. 

For example some of the the conditional actions that you can perform with IF for Android are:

If your battery power is low turn off Bluetooth
When you plug-in your phone, mute it
When you unplug, unmute your phone
When at home turn-on WiFi for data

There are recipes for IOT based bulbs, air-conditioners and many others.

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