Monday, July 29, 2024

Save Regency Park's Trees: A Honolulu Community Stands United

This post relates to an impasse' between the owners of the Regency Park residents and the AOAO Board of the condominium. This is posted by the author who is also a resident. 

I was dismayed to learn that an important asset of my property is going to be removed by a decision taken by the condominium board. This condominium and its grounds are a haven for many, is facing an imminent threat: the indiscriminate removal of our cherished trees. Many of the residents are united in plea to the condominium board to reconsider this drastic action and explore alternative solutions to preserve our green oasis. The community needs a serious conversation on this issue with the condominium board.

The owners of Regency Condominium are urgently requesting that the AOAO (Association of apartment owners) reconsider the removal of several trees. The trees provide essential shade, protect lower-level units from excessive sun, enhance property values, contribute to a serene environment;  home to the nesting area of the endangered Fairy Tern (HUI MANU-O-KŪ - Hui Manu-o-Kū ( birds, and improve air quality by filtering pollutants and reducing noise.

Breeding Ground of Fairy Terns

The monkeypod tree is slated for removal. The shady spot is where I walk every afternoon.

I am 100% against this callous decision

Upon inquiring about the committee’s reasons for tree removal, I was presented with questionable justifications. One reason suggested that elderly residents might trip over the trees, a claim lacking credibility. Simple solutions such as root trimming or installing a fence from a local hardware store could easily address this non-issue. 

Roots protruding out that are easy to trim or fenced around

Another reason cited was the alleged rising of the pavement due to tree roots. This explanation seems contrived, as the parking lot's surface is uneven throughout.

The AOAO board has failed to provide minutes from the 2023 and 2024 board meetings to the interested residents despite repeated requests. Furthermore, the board has relied on a single arborist review plus an incomplete arborist report to justify its decision. This lack of transparency and due diligence is a clear breach of the board's fiduciary duty to residents. Any future proposals to remove trees must be subject to the approval of all residents. A link to this blog will be forwarded to the property management company and all board members.

What You Can Do:

Attend the next condominium board meeting and voice your concerns.

Contact other residents and spread awareness about the issue.

Share this blog post and encourage others to get involved.

Together, we can save Regency Park's trees!

The property owners, including myself, firmly believe that preserving our community's green spaces is essential to the health, well-being, and property values of all residents. We will not stand idly by while our beloved trees are destroyed.

The address of the property:

Regency Park Condominium

3138 Waialae Avenue, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96816

I sincerely thank Ms. Milly Ring and a large group of concerned residents for their input.

Fairy Tern Protection in Hawaii

Yes, the Fairy Tern (Manu-o-Kū) is a protected species in Hawaii. While it might not have a federal protection status in the United States, it enjoys significant protection at the state level.   

Due to the critical conservation status of the Fairy Tern in Hawaii, harming, disturbing, or removing them or their nests is illegal. Many conservation efforts are in place to protect their habitat and ensure their survival.

Sources and related content

Get to know Manu-o-Kū

Share this article among your friends and bird lovers

Going forward, I have requested guidance from the responsible official at the US Fisheries and Wild Life. You may also individually approach this organization. They are the ultimate at the government.

You may share this link to this blog using this shortened link:

There was a meeting of all concerned met on 8/1/2024

The following is from one of the senior members: "The Tree Removal will be reassessed with emphasis on saving the Monkey Pod.  The other trees may need some work and perhaps one that is dead to be removed."

Updated: 8/7/2024

Manoa residents put down their foot to save the trees. Good Job! Manoans


Sunday, July 28, 2024

On AI chatbots and fact checking

 Bertrand Russel's view of ethics originates as being primarily due to our feelings and consequences but they are a result of our education and nurture. This view, while precludes that the ones without education and proper bringing up lack ethics holds likely on the average. I think, ethics is a lot more than education and nurture. I was told that the colonial armies of the past meted out punishment by running horses over the head of half buried enemies. They were able to do so only when they covered the eyes of the horses. Was it an ethical issue for the horses? I wonder.

Fact checking has become a fact of life in recent times especially after the rise of the AI's. Should they or should they not fact check? AIs, as they proclaim themselves are emotionless and non-judgmental. They are also derived from the LLM they always quote as being on which they are based. I can only infer their readiness, or reluctance to do a fact check as being due to is a policy taken by the implementers. I think it is ethically important that they really try to do a fact check, I am not looking for their view of the fact.

In the present world of fake news, deep fakes and such, AI products have a social responsibility to let their algorithms do just that. It is the most ethical thing to do.  I would, further take their reluctance as a political statement of their creators. 

Here is an example: This following appeared on a social media platform. Perhaps, it may be driven by some kind of phobia, may be not.

Fact check: According to Iran's 'Press TV' and 'al  Mayadeen' reports, Israeli forces allegedly dropped white phosphorus  bombs on the outskirts of Rasaya al-Fakhar town on July 26.

These are the responses of Google' Gemini, Microsoft's C-Pilot and Facebook's Meta AI:

Gemini:- While I aim to be helpful, Google Search may provide a more detailed and accurate response on this topic.

Co-Pilot:-Looks like I can’t respond to this topic. Explore Bing Search results.

Meta AI:- I can't find any information about Israeli forces dropping white phosphorus bombs on the outskirts of Rasaya al-Fakhar town on July 26. However, here are some relevant facts about Israel's use of white phosphorus munitions:

- *Use in Lebanon*: Israel has used white phosphorus munitions in Lebanon, which has led to civilian harm and displacement ¹ ² ³.

- *International law*: The use of airburst white phosphorus is considered unlawfully indiscriminate in populated areas under international humanitarian law ³.

- *Previous use*: Israel has used white phosphorus in the past, including in Gaza in 2008-2009 and in Lebanon in 2023 ¹ ².

Actually, Meta AI indeed did well according to me. You may very well disagree. 

Why did Gemini and Co-Pilot recuse and distance themselves?

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Image creation by Chatbots is work in progress.

 We have seen that some of the chatGPT based chats (CoPilot,DALL-E 2, MidJourney, NightCafe  Creator, etc.) seem to work with both textual /image information. However, AI's interaction with text is lot more advanced than with the images. 

The difference between text, and image is analogous to structured data and unstructured data. Most of the textual information is highly ordered and structured, but that of the image is unstructured. Text may give a more intimate view into what it represents and it may even generate human-like text, but image gives only a give few of its attributes like shape, color, size and it may not be able to give the full context, like emotions. We can say at this point that text gives a higher contextual understanding than an image.

Image analysis using AI commonly known as computer vision has also made great advances but challenges are many. The probing of images by AI with research in deep learning and neural networks is narrowing this gap. Presently AI models are getting better at object detection, image recognition and generate images from text descriptions.

Here are some examples of images created from text:

Create a detailed picture of Ayodhya temple in India.

Co_Pilot tried to create an image. I am not showing all its attempts as they did not remotely resemble a Hindu temple but something from the fairy tales.

Here is what I finally got after goading:

This is one of the four images that are created automatically.

Well, Gemini tried as well but these are the results. I did not try repeated refinements of my text to get them.

Meta AI also tried its hand at creating the Ayodhya temple using it Emu, Meta Ai's proprietary engine.

The temple in India looks like this.

Presently, this is the best th ChatBots can do.

I do have an image from NightCafe and I will paste it here when I find it.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Android emulators on Bluestacks 10, Genymotion, NOX, and LDPlayer and their Bluetooth performance

 Download sources, and Bluetooth connectivity of these game apps are described.

 Bluestacks 10 ( player allows you to play mobile apps, both Cloud Gaming and Android Emulator) from the Google Play Store on your Windows or Mac computer. 

Genymotion ( a cross platform Android emulator for testing apps. It can do scalable testing that are done on virtual devices.It is available for windows (x64), Linux(x64) and macOS(x86-64, arm64) platforms as well as Genymotion SaaS and Genymotion Device Image.

Nox ( is yet another Android Emulator for playing mobile games.

 LDPlayer ( featured as the fastest Emulator for Android games PC.' 


Actually, I wanted the raw data on a commercial, low cost, smartwatch from a Chinese company that called upon an Android app called HBand. H Band is available on Google Play, but if you want to run it on your windows PC (Windows 11) you need an Android Emulator. All of the above apps are indicated for the use of H Band.

The Mobile app, H Band on a Android Phone works OK. But, what if you want to look at raw data of  (body temperature, step counts, blood pressure, blood glucose, blood oxygen, Heart rate,and body temperature) collected by the app.It is supposed to be a safe app as far as data safety is considered including transit time encryption). 


I contacted BlueStack to find that it does not yet support Bluetooth.

I tried Nox to connect to the watch. It works sometimes and sometimes it does not open. All these apps run very slow, intolerable in this 5G era.

GenyMotion requires a virtualBox. I wanted something that would work with no additional software.

LDPlayer is another option and it takes a lot of memory. It's Bluetooth connection is also not good.

I looked up the space requirements for some of these and they do take up a lot of space and send non-stop notifications.

This is what one of the ChatGPT came up with:

1. **BlueStacks 5**:

   - RAM: Requires at least 4GB of RAM¹.

   - Storage: Approximately 5GB of free disk space².

   - CPU Consumption: Consumes about 10% CPU, making it efficient¹.

   - RAM Usage: Consumes the least amount of RAM compared to other emulators¹.

2. **LDPlayer**:

   - CPU Consumption: Registered a massive 145% higher CPU usage compared to BlueStacks¹.

   - RAM Usage: Consumes more RAM than BlueStacks¹.

3. **Nox**:

   - CPU Consumption: Consumes 37% more CPU resources with noticeable lag in-app performance¹.

   - Storage: Unfortunately, I couldn't find specific storage requirements for Nox, but it seems to take up significant space³.

4. **Genymotion**:

   - Genymotion is another popular emulator, but its resource usage can vary based on the specific configuration and usage.



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