Thursday, July 26, 2007

Must read article on VB.NET Integration

Microsoft Visual Studio has attracted a lot of attention from many vendors and you can find add-ins that give direct access to third party programs. This is a much needed synergy as businesses grow and embrace a multiplicity of products.

This article shows how you can develop a VB.NET 2.0 application using the integration features provided by the SQL Anywhere database. The SQL Anywhere tools are directly accessible without going out of the Visual Studio 2.0 IDE. The article describes a window application with two examples developed with this easy to use integration interface.

VB.NET Application with SQL Anywhere 10 database

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

A Simple XML file (aka My "Hello World" for XML)

This is like a ‘Hello World’ example for my XML articles. The sample document shown below is a simple XML document which represents 4 (sometimes 5) students who took a programming class. It is well formed and simple to use as you can see from these articles. I used it often because it is on my local IIS and easy to grab.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Tobacco and Poverty

The statistics is staggering to say the least. To export tobacco is to export death and destruction. Read this article on 'Tobacco and Poverty'.

or this one, "Tobacco kills don't be duped"

About tobacco legislation in USA read this artcile in NYT:

Tobacco Bill Includes Compromise and Criticism

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Do you still want to buy the HP Office Jet 6210 All-in-one?

Probably you may not be able to, even if you want to. It is not sold anymore according to a chat I had with HP to day.

This was my experience yours may be different.

I bought this much publicized product after giving my Cannon 4400 which had served me for several years to some non-profit organization. This OfficeJet 6210 All-in-one functioned all right. I am not a heavy user as I care for the 'trees'.

Recently I wanted to change the black cartridge as it had run out of ink. I bought the ink cartridge from my shop at:

I tried to change the newly arrived cartridge. The machine gave a strange message. It did not accept the cartridge. I called HP and went on a chat doing all kinds of suggested help. Finally the chat-help told me that it is a hardware problem and she cannot help any more. I am rethinking whether investing in a HP printer is worth it. They seem to change their product faster than Microsoft changes its software. It's incredible. The option the chat suggested was for me to buy the following:


2. The repair option (for online) for 119.99.

Do I like the options? You guessed right.

I suggest next time you shop for a printer look for printers other than HP printers. It is not just worth it.

About leaking HP Printer Cartridges:

While chatting with the HP Specialist I heard her mention that when the ink runs out, the cartridge leaks. But why? The color cartridge in my printer had leaked. What is your experience? Would you like to share? Protection Status