Friday, June 21, 2024

AI and diabetes

 It will be nice to bind together, food intake, CGM measurements and AI models to optimize intake for better glucose profiles for diabetes type I and II.

There are pretrained AI models for diabetes.

GlucoNet Model: Deep learning model that can predict Glucose levels based on carbohydrate intake.

Deep Gluco Model: Not only takes carbo intake into consideration but also insulin dosage, physical activity, etc.

GlucoNet is adequate for diabetes type II. I will be homing in on type II.

These are used to improve the MIT control loop for adjusting optimal carbo intake.

There is company (Alertgy) in Melbourne, Australia involved in the development of diabetes monitored by a wearable device.

Right now, I have one with questionable activity, but qualitatively measuring (Zero, when not connected and 3 peaks to coincide in time with break fast, lunch and dinner).

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