Thursday, February 20, 2014

SkyDrive -----> OneDrive

SkyDrive is dead longlive OneDrive
According to article by Mary Jo Foley which appeared in ZDNET (
Microsoft lost the trademark battle with British SkyDrive Broadcasting Group over the use of 'Sky'.

Customers using SkyDrive will not feel much of a difference as it is just renaming at the source,
new customers will get their 7GB storage for free and current customers can get 5B extra storage,
also free. Also if you use OneDrive camera you get an extra 3G. Generosity all around.
I logged into my Windows Live Account and tried to peek. It looks like Microsoft has not made the switch on my account, or is it a cache.

Well, well, when I click on SkyDrive I get to see the changed look.

Here is a video from Microsoft.


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