Monday, September 21, 2009

My experience connecting to an SQL Azure database

I got my invitation code to a space on the SQL Azure. After accepting and validating the same, a master was created for me. I created my first cloud based database HodentekModa.

I tried connecting to my database using SQLCMD but got a strange syntax error.

Pursued another avenue. Created a UDL file to test the connection. This was a success. Here are the steps if you want to test.

Step 1: Create a text file and change its name and extension to create a UDL file. Herein it was named: AzureSQL.UDL

Step2: Double click the file to open the Data Link Properties page

Step3: Fill the details as detailed here:

Provider: SQL Server Native Client 10.0

Select or enter servername:

Use a specific user name and passord:

User Name: yourUserName@xxxx

Password: Your Password (1 number, 1 special character and few letters)

Select Database : Type in the name of database you created in SQL Azure

Your test connection should be successful with the above settings.

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