Monday, March 23, 2009

Finally the book is published

I got a happy note from PACKT that the book I worked on for the better part of 2008 finally got published today.
I worked through couple of Microsoft betas and each time something or the other had to be re-written. Both Atif Shehzad and Marc Delisle did a great job of reviewing my book and I am highly obliged. The folks at Packt were very co-operative especially the group that did the final editing in Mumbai.
The book does not assume too deep a knowledge in SQL Servers but experience with some basic reporting tool such as Microsoft Access will be helpful. The book has over 50 hands-on exercises which is sufficient to experience the full flavor of Reporting à la Microsoft. Also there is a chapter on Crystal Reports which has remained a great companion of Microsoft all these years.
I thank PACKT publishing who gave me this second opportunity. This would not have been possible without the evaluation software from Microsoft and Crystal Reports. Other great resources that I have often drawn from are Microsoft Books online, Microsoft Developer Network as well as Microsoft beta testing program.

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