Thursday, August 27, 2015

Azure Data Factory does more than moving large volume of data

AWS has Data Pipeline; Google has Google Cloud Dataflow and Microsoft has recently offered Azure Data Factory and as the name suggests it is more feature rich and of course it does move data automatically using PowerShell scripts or the Azure Data Factory Console. General availability of Azure Data Factory was announced on August 12, 2015.

If you are interested in getting started you can go here .

References for developers:
Just like SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) replaced the older Data Transformation Services (DTS), Azure Data Factory (ADF) is an evolutional replacement for SSIS. It can of course do lot more than what SSIS accomplished with more bells and whistles taking in stride the plethora of new sources, cloud services, and new devices that have come into existence.  One of the main features that have had the most impact are the emergence of Azure Cloud; big data integration and the mobile workforce.

Here is an overview of how data flow along from its sources to the end user formats where data is consumed. There  is extraction, cleaning, transforming, analyzing, visualizing and reporting.



Where do to find ADF?
Azure Data Factory is still in preview and perhaps for the time being free (check with Microsoft!). You need to have a Microsoft account. You can then log on to the Azure Portal. From Azure portal you can get to the Azure's Preview portal, a portal where you find the latest Azure related offerings.

Creating a new ADF service is very easy. Just create a New Data Factory.




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