Friday, November 07, 2008

Working with XML in SQL Server 2000?

SQL Server 2008 has been in RTM for the past couple of months. But I do know that there are folks ( a large number) using SQL 2000.

Perhaps the following articles will help in getting in understanding XML in SQL 2000.

1. The following aspects of XML support for SQL 2000 will be discussed in this article:

* T-SQL support for for XML
o Retrieving Data in XML formats, for XML
o From XML document to Table structure, open XML

* Overview of XML support in IIS for SQL 2000 Server

* Configuring the IIS Virtual Directory Management for SQL 2000 Server

2. The focus o this article is on URL Queries and Template files.

3. SQL 2000 server's support for XDR schemas provide the ability to specify Xpath queries against these schemas. In order to facilitate the derivation of these XDR schemas, Microsoft also provides an XML tool: XML View Mapper (not bundled with SQL 2000 Server, but a separate download). The bulk of the tutorial is about the basics of using this tool to create XML views that can be used in Xpath queries and using Xpath queries to query the database.

4. The focus of this article is on accessing XML data using Visual Studio .NET 2003 IDE. With the introduction of SQLXML3.0, the capabilities of XML data retrieval are vastly extended. The article discusses this topic using the Visual Studio.NET 2003 IDE and provides help on detailed coding. Specifically, it explores the SqlXmlCommand class in depth, delineating its properties and methods.

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